Adirondacks 46s Scorecard

It seems that with our sister in law living in the Albany, NY region we may stop by the Adirondack region a lot more often.  That is why I have created my Adirondack 46′er scorecard.  It seems I have 44 more to fill out.  Somewhat related to the New England 4K’s.

Ranking in Height Elevation
1-7 (1 least difficult)
When With Whom? Notes
Mt. Marcy 5344′ 5
Algonquin Peak 5114′ 5
Mt. Haystack 4960′ 7
Mt. Skylight 4926′ 7
Whiteface Mtn. 4867′ 4
Dix Mtn. 4857′ 5
Gray Peak 4840′ 7
Iroquois Peak 4840′ 6
Basin Mtn. 4827′ 6
Gothics 4736′ 5
Mt. Colden 4714′ 5
Giant Mtn. 4627′ 4
Nippletop 4620′ 5
Santanoni Peak 4607′ 5
Mt. Redfield 4606′ 7
Wright Peak 4580′ 4
Saddleback Mtn. 4515′ 5
Panther Peak 4442′ 6
Tabletop Mtn. 4427′ 5
Rocky Peak Ridge 4420′ 6
Macomb Mtn. 4405′ 5
Armstrong Mtn. 4400′ 5
Hough Peak 4400′ 6
Seward Mtn. 4361′ 7
Mt. Marshall 4360′ 6
Allen Mtn. 4340′ 7
Big Slide Mtn. 4240′ 4
Esther Mtn. 4240′ 4
Upper Wolfjaw 4185′ 5
Lower Wolfjaw 4175′ 4
Street Mtn. 4166′ 6
Phelps Mtn. 4161′ 5
Mt. Donaldson 4140′ 7
Seymour Mtn. 4120′ 6
Sawteeth 4100′ 4
Cascade Mtn. 4098′ 2 20080525 Jose, Adriana, Lina Photos
South Dix 4060′ 6
Porter Mtn. 4059′ 3 20080525 Jose, Adriana, Lina Photos
Mt. Colvin 4057′ 4
Mt. Emmons 4040′ 7
Dial Mtn. 4020′ 5
East Dix 4012′ 6
Blake 3960′ 4
Cliff Mtn. 3960′ 6
Nye Mtn. 3895′ 6
Couchsachraga Peak 3820′ 6

New England 4,000 Footer Scorecard

A simple entry to keep track of our progress in the White Mountains (New Hampshire) 4,000 Footers.

On the table in this posting you will find the 48 goal Mountains and the date on which they where accomplished as well as who was with us (keeping track of the climbs for them).  Click on the date for more information about that day’s adventure.  Related to my Adirondacks 46s Scorecard.

Rank Name Elev Date With Whom?
1 Washington 6288 July 3, 2006 Jose, Adriana, Lina
2 Adams 5774 July 3, 2006 Jose, Adriana, Lina
3 Jefferson 5712 July 1, 2006 Jose, Adriana, Lina
4 Monroe 5384* July 3, 2006 Jose, Adriana, Lina
5 Madison 5367 September 9, 2007 Jose, Adriana Photos / Maps.
6 Lafayette 5260* September 03, 2006 Jose, Adriana and Lina
7 Lincoln 5089 September 03, 2006 Jose, Adriana and Lina
8 South Twin 4902 - -
9 Carter Dome 4832 - -
10 Moosilauke 4802 August 28, 2005 Jose, Adriana
11 Eisenhower 4780* June 20, 2004 Jose, Adriana, Eric, Zoey, Quique
12 North Twin 4761 - -
13 Carrigain 4700* -July 15 2006 Adriana
14 Bond 4698 - -
15 Middle Carter 4610* - -
16 West Bond 4540* - -
17 Garfield 4500* - -
18 Liberty 4459 September 02, 2006 Adriana, Lina
19 South Carter 4430* - -
20 Wildcat 4422 September 23, 2007 Jose, Adriana. Photos/Maps.
21 Hancock 4420* September 02, 2007 Jose, Adriana Photos / Maps.
22 South Kinsman 4358 September 10, 2005 Jose, Adriana
23 Field 4340* June 25,2006 Jose, Adriana
24 Osceola 4340* October 9, 2004 Jose, Adriana
25 Flume 4328 September 02, 2006 Jose, Adriana and Lina
26 South Hancock 4319 September 02, 2007 Jose, Adriana
27 Pierce 4310 June 20, 2004 Jose, Adriana, Eric, Zoey, Quique
28 North Kinsman 4293 September 10, 2005 Jose, Adriana
29 Willey 4285 June 25, 2006 Jose, Adriana
30 Bondcliff 4265 - -
31 Zealand 4260* - -
32 North Tripyramid 4180* June 12, 2005 Jose, Adriana, Lina, Gabor
33 Cabot 4170* - -
34 East Osceola 4156 October 9, 2004 Jose, Adriana
35 Middle Tripyramid 4140* June 12, 2003 Jose, Adriana, Lina, Gabor
36 Cannon 4100* October 11,2003 Jose, Adriana
37 Hale 4054 September 16, 2007 Jose, Adriana Photos / Maps.
38 Jackson 4052 September 27, 2008 Jose, Adriana.  Photos / Maps.
39 Tom 4051 June 25, 2006 Jose, Adriana
40 Wildcat, D Peak 4050* September 23, 2007 Jose, Adriana. Photos/Maps.
41 Moriah 4049 August 23, 2003 Jose, Adriana, Eydie, Eric, Zoey
42 Passaconaway 4043 July 3, 2005 Jose, Adriana, Lina, Gabor, Tamas
43 Owl’s Head 4025 - -
44 Galehead 4024 - -
45 Whiteface 4020* July 3, 2005 Jose, Adriana, Lina, Gabor, Tamas, Eydie, Eric, Zoey
46 Waumbek 4006 - -
47 Isolation 4004 August 31, 2008 Jose and Adriana.  Photos.
48 Tecumseh 4003 June 11, 2005 Jose, Adriana, Lina, Gabor

Vermont 4,000 Footers

Vermont 4,000 Footers  
Rank Name Elev Date With Whom?
2 Mt. Abraham 4,006
2 Camel’s Hump 4,083
2 Mt. Ellen 4,083
2 Killington Peak 4,235
2 Mt. Mansfield, the Chin 4,393
Maine 4,000 Footers  
Rank Name Elev Date With Whom?
2 Mt. Abraham 4,050
3 Bigelow Mtn., Avery Peak 4,090
4 Bigelow Mtn., West Peak 4,145
5 Crocker Mtn. 4,228
6 Crocker Mtn., South Peak 4,050
7 Katahdin, Baxter Peak 5,268
8 Katahdin, Hamlin Peak 4,756
9 North Brother 4,151
10 Old Speck Mtn. 4,170
11 Redington 4,010
12 Saddleback Mtn. 4,120
13 Saddleback Mtn., the Horn 4,041
14 Spaulding 4,010
15 Sugarloaf Mtn. 4,250

Other interesting links:

Why I Do not TGIF ??

Almost everyone is doing Facebook nowadays.  High School classmates, college classmates, ex-workmates, partners, clients, friends, family (even my mom and my aunt) and a few others that I do not know how to classify.  I love the status bar in Facebook:  it lets me know the interesting things that people are doing or thinking.  I do not want to see taglines like: “TGIF (Thank God Is Friday)”. 

There are a few reasons I do not like to see such things:

  • It doesn’t give me any more information.  I know it is Friday.  My calendar says so.  I have been trusting my calendar for years, why do I need 40 people to remind me of it?
  • What is so special about Friday?  To me, it is like any other day of the week.  I play if I want to.  I work if I want to.  I can also waste it if I want to.  As a free person I choose what to do with it.  As free persons, most of the people who write TGIF have chosen to work it off (they could have taken a vacation day, taken a job that does not require them to work on fridays, or gone into their own business and declared Friday off). They should be happy they are doing exactly what they asked — or do something to change their reality.
  • Was it really that bad?  The week, I mean.  Has it been like that for months, and months.  Do you feel so much stress?  Are you overworked?  Are you so devoid of fun?  You need a life!  You need a different job — maybe one with less pay (and less purchasing ability), but one that makes you happier.  Or maybe the picture of your kids and wife on the big house, nice car, and private education makes you so proud that the week wasn’t so bad after all:  was just a small price to pay for all the blessings you have got.  

I feel happy today.  Not because it is Friday.  It could have been Monday, or Sunday.  It is sunny out there.  Spring has finally come.  The flowers are blooming in my yard.  (Hopefully the overworked Landscaper will come on Saturday – someone who could not say TGIF because he still wanted to work on Saturday).  I may get to prepare my vegetable garden. 

Life is good!

Mount Washington (6,288ft)

——– On a Wonderful Day

On Monday July 3rd, 2006 we climbed Mount Washington in the New Hampshire’s White Mountains as an expression and celebration of Freedom (it was the day preceeding the 4th of July – Independence Day).

We started the hike at the base of the Mount Washington Cog Railway ($5 parking fee) and climbed the Amoonoosuc Trail which crisscrosses the ravine with the same name. Along the 2.1 mile way up to the Lake of the Clouds we get to enjoy the beautiful falls of this ravine, worth the trip on their own. The trail is excellently maintained, and the carefully relocated rocks make for great steps for a good portion of the way. It was a lot easier than we expected, yet not for beginners.

At the Hut we had a hearty lunch consisting of split pea soup ($2), bottomless lemonade ($1), all you can eat baked goods ($1), and decaffeinated coffee/tea ($1). A great deal at 5,000 feet for $5 – considering we didn’t had to carry it up. We enjoyed the hut for about two hours before continuing our ascent of Mt. Washington via the Crawford Path. The Lake of The Clouds itself is a pretty sight, although we didn’t shared the joy of the Scandinavian people who where bathing on it.

The Crawford Path gets you to Mount Washington in about an hour through a very good and defined trail that has been softened for more than a century of adventurers and adventurers-wanna-be like us.

The summit of Mount Washington has the usual pile of rocks with the sign – great for taking the picture. Try to ignore the road, the weather station, the antennae, and the visitor’s center with two gift shops, one museum and two eateries. You may use the post office to send yourself a note from there. We quickly entered it and exited it before climbing down through the same Crawford’s Path to the Hut and deciding that it was such a nice day that it would be a pity not to do another high peak.

From the Hut we climbed up the nearby Mount Monroe to add another New Hampshire Peak tour list, since the hike only added about half an hour (roundtrip) to our adventure. We descended via the same trail we climbed it, through the Hut, and down the same Amoonoosuc Trail trail that we used for our ascent.

By the time we descended it was already getting dark, and on our way back we noticed the locals setting themselves up with their pickups on the sides of the road to enjoy the Mount Washington Hotel firework celebration. We ate in a local eatery that almost rushed us out of it to go and see the fireworks before heading back to the hotel for a solid night of sleep.

Photos are in the usual place. (send e-mail if you need to get the link)